More than what meets the eye
as the subsurface comes alive

Interpretation & modelling @super-resolution

DIME utilizing well properties to increase information in 3D volumes that create super-resolution datasets revealing thin beds and finer stratigraphic details.

Our Deep Learning products


Improve Structural


Storm 2.0

Super Resolution Seismic


Super Resolution Inversions


Super Resolution Spectral



Recover Missing Log



Accurate Fault Models


High Precision Horizon



Production Analytics &



Jittery amplitudes and ambiguous fault interpreation

Enhanced amplitudes & sharper fault delineation using Enhance.AI

Structural & Stratigraphic Enhancement

Improvement over limitations of conventual smoothening & filtering algorithms

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Matching high resolution image & channel maps

Superior Image quality & clearer feature delineation compared to any
industry standard product


Super Resolution Imaging

Free from amplitude and phase distortions. Well guided structurally constrained resolution enhancement with improved signal-to-noise ratio.

Ready in 4-6

Fraction of re-acquisition cost

Missing stratigraphic details & inconsistent well ties on lower resolution legacy data

Storm 2.0 reveals finer stratigraphic details closer to well log resolution with consistent well ties

Resolves uninterpretable geological details in legacy seismic datasets

Reveal the true potential of your data in super-resolution.

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Later variation of rock properties in thin beds away from the well missing

Strike reveals lateral rock property variations in thin beds away from the well

Super Resolution Inversions

An unbiased, wavelet and phase stationarity assumption-free deep learning inversions architecture that generates realistic geologic models away from the wells.

Ready in 3-4

Matching high resolution impedence dataset

Superior Image quality & clearer feature delineation compared to any
industry standard product


Super Resolution Imaging & Decomposition

Improvement over limitations of conventual Fourier transform based spectral decomposition providing sharper resolution of low frequency anomalies.

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Matching high
resolution decomposition

Ambiguous localization of the low frequency anomaly

Precise location in time for the low frequency anomaly resolved using Wdge.

Superior temporal resolution at low frequencies compared to any
industry standard algorithms.

Bring the power of AI to resolve thin beds and complex channel pathways.

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AI generated fault picks

Unsupervised reconstruction of fault surfaces

AI driven 3D fault geometry mapping

Detailed and accurate correlation of discontinuities and mapping of fault planes with their genetic relationship.

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highresolution fault

No seed points needed & increased fault like hood and thinning
performance on enhanced super-resolution data.


AI driven super resolution horizon cube

Workflow utilizing a combination of unconformity detection, horizon mapping and chrono stratigraphy tracking algorithms running on super resolution inputs.

Reduces interpretation
time by days

Generate Full 3D Relative Geologic time cubes

Surface Extraction from Horizon cube

Honours tracking across faults

Interpret previously unresolved and uninterpretable structural &
stratigraphic details with confidence

Interpret accurate horizons and complex fault systems like never before.

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Prolytix Volume

Optimized well paths

Mature field redevelopment intelligence

AI based integrated modelling to locate hydrocarbon sweet spots and leftover oil & gas inn 3D space at mid life & mature stages of field development.

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CAPEX savings &
front ending

Quantify recoverable hydrocarbon volume and map undiscovered high-
productivity Zones in 3D

Book a discussion to take a deep dive

You have seen what our products can do. Now it’s time for you to expand the horizons of energy exploration with artificial intelligence.

Don’t just take our word for it. See the true potential of your data.

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